Scandal at Wigan PS

Scandal at Wigan PS The L&CPU have made the national news due to a scandal at Wigan PS. The treasurer has resigned following claims that he has stolen someone else’s work and submitted it as his own. This image then won a trophy in a major national contest....

World Wildlife Photographic Exhibition.

The 2015 World Wildlife Exhibition is now on at the Natural History Museum in London. The top award went to a Canadian physician named Don Gutoski with his shot called “A tale of two foxes” The exhibition continues until 10th April 2016, after which it...

Some L&CPU dates

The Opening of the Sony PAGB Print Exhibition – featuring the best photographic prints from club photographers all over Great Britain and Northern Ireland will take place at 2pm in the Williamson Art Gallery, Slatey Road, Birkenhead, Wirral CH43 4UE on Saturday...

Saxon Studio Photo Shoot

We had a great evening at the Saxon Studio on Thursday evening. Members had the opportunity to experience shooting models with studio lighting. Members got to learn some basics of lighting with 1,  2 and 3 studio lights. Also, there were two models to direct in a...

Great attendance for the first night

Opening night 2015 Thursday 3rd September 2015 Our season is now underway and it was great to see such a good attendance. We also had 8 guests come along as potential new members. It was lovely to see everyone both old and new.   Darrell made introductions and...

Social Evening Thursday August 27th 7.30 p.m

Hi everybody, Just a quick reminder that the last social evening of the year will be held at the Golf Club on Thursday 27th August at 7.30 p.m   The following Thursday, September 3rd is the first club meeting of the new season (so where has 2015 gone?). A further...