List of BPE Exhibitions

BPE Competitions Website Click here 

Please note the website is now called This replaces the name

These exhibitions are typically organised by a single photography club or by a number of clubs in the same geographic area that get together to organise a national exhibition. There is a self help group called the British Photographic Exhibition (BPE). The BPE was setup to encourage photographers to enter exhibitions and the members share ideas, promote each others exhibitions and generally work together to promote competitive photography.

Click the button to view a list of current BPE exhibitions

This link will take you to the BPE website

Crown awards and distinctions

The National Exhibitions which are members of the British Photographic Exhibitions offer a Crown Award system designed to enable successful exhibition photographers to gain additional recognition. Exhibitors are invited to aggregate their acceptances in the affiliated exhibitions and, upon reaching the accepted aggregate, to apply without charge for a Crown Rating Award. Each successful applicant for an award will receive a Certificate and a Ribbon and will be able to use the letters acknowledging their award after their name.

  • BPE1* Crown Award – 25 points
  • BPE2* Crown Award – 50 points
  • BPE3* Crown Award – 100 points
  • BPE4* Crown Award – 200 points
  • BPE5* Crown Award – 300 points

Those who achieve the top crown award rating BPE5* are then invited to aggregate acceptances and awards in the member exhibitions and upon reaching the accepted aggregate to apply, without charge, for Associateship ABPE and Fellowship FBPE. The successful applicant will receive a Certificate and Medal and will be able to use the letters acknowledging their award after their name.

“The BPE exists to encourage photographers to enter exhibitions and to recognize successful entrants via the issue of the Crown Awards photographic distinctions. Exhibition members share ideas, promote each other’s exhibitions and generally work together to promote competitive photography.”

The BPE site aims to inform photographers about the exhibitions that are part of the BPE circuit including the dates they occur, whom to contact for each exhibition and where possible, provide downloadable information such as entry forms and promotional posters.

There is no charge for any of these services, except for the individual exhibition entry fees payable to BPE club exhibitions which you wish to enter.