Alsager Come third in the L&CPU PDI Annual

Today has seen the L&CPU annual PDI competition take palce. Amazingly, Alsager CC came in Third with 288 points, Wigan 10 2nd with 311 points and Chorley 10 1st with 323 points. This is a major competition and usually attracts over 100 clubs from Lancashire and...

Inter club competition with Holmes Chapel

Tonight saw our annual competition with Holmes Chapel.  Judge Ian Stewart stepped in at short notice and provided some entertaining and insightful comments. The print round ended with Alsager having pulled out an 11 point lead. However, Holmes Chapel had a very strong...

3rd Internal 2016

Tonight saw our third internal competition take place. We were treated to the judging talents of Adrian Lines MPAGB FBPE EFIAP ARPS. He gave us many insightful aand constructive comments. Our new projector had its first competition outing – it will certainly...

L&CPU exhibition

Can you please remind your members of a great opportunity to see 150 of the best prints from club photographers all over Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is on show in our region at the Williamson Art Gallery & Museum, Slatey Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH43...

Christmas Competition 2015

Christmas Competiton 2015 Tonight we held our annual Christmas competion. Judge Frank Hutchinson returned and provided a very entertaining evening. In true Christmas spirit the final score was a tie between the two teams- spreading joy to everyone. HO HO HO. A great...

Alsager win narrow victory over Crewe

Alsager win a narrow victory over Crewe Tonight saw our annual competition with Crewe PS. As is usually the case the competition was hotly contested. Judge Daryl Giles provided some very perceptive comments and kept the competiton fierce. Following the end of the PDI...