Can you please remind your members of a great opportunity to see 150 of the best prints from club photographers all over Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
It is on show in our region at the Williamson Art Gallery & Museum, Slatey Road, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH43 4UE from the 9th – 20th December and after the Christmas break from the 2nd – 17th January.
The Exhibition was officially opened last Saturday by the President of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain with around 100 people in attendance. It was an excellent afternoon and we also used the occasion to present a number of PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit …… plus all the awards and trophies gained in this year’s L&CPU competitions.
We are extremely fortunate to have this exhibition on show – one of just five showings across the country – and therefore it is an opportunity not to be missed
Opening Hours
Wednesday – Sunday: 10am – 5pm
Closed: Mondays, Tuesdays and Bank Holidays
Tel: 0151 652 4177
Finally may I send you and your members the best wishes of myself and the whole of the L&CPU Executive Committee for Christmas and the New Year.