Preparing prints for competition

Printing – all prints are to be mounted on 50 cm x 40 cm mounts.
The print itself may be of any size which fits on this, but should be bigger than A4, although the majority of prints are printed at roughly A3 size. Some members print their own prints, or have them professionally printed by themselves, but the club also arranges for printing ahead of each competition. A useful online printer is –
The programme contains the dates by which images must be submitted to Iain Malcolm who arranges printing and splits the cost among participating members, no more than £1.50 per A3 print normally. Images are to be submitted in sRGB colour space (see PDI instructions) and sized to suit with a resolution of 300 dpi.
Mounting – mountboard is normally supplied in A1 size and the club has a stock of this for sale via Iain Malcolm in various colours. The mountboard then has to be cut in the appropriate way and the print mounted – these two youtube clips show how this can be done.
Cutting the mount
Mounting the print –
Mounted prints should be labelled as explained in the Competition Rules.
The club equipment includes a mount cutter and this is available via Iain Malcolm, who will also help you cut the mounts (if you’re nice to him).