Tensi Ward – Working With Wildlife (Thurs 5th Dec 2019)


Tensi has been a full time Wildlife Photographer for the last four years. She emphasised the need to stick to your own style and for perseverance.

Her first trip was to Alaska to follow Brown Bears. Lens failure impacted on the success of the trip. Tensi commented on the impact of human activity on the animals and their resilience. Following redundancy she made a subsequent trip to Africa.  She returned with excellent portraits of Elephant and Cheetah amongst others.

Tensi showed stunning images of White Hares taken in Scotland with a 12mm-40mm zoom lens. She had taken over 2 hours to approach the animals. Other images included, Common Lizards, Red Squirrel (taken with a 17-40mm lens) and Brindled Guillemot.  Other trips have included Lake Cokome in Greece to photo Dalmatian Pelicans and Coypu.

Whilst In the UK, Tensi has spent most of her time in the Peak District capturing images of Mountain Hare’s, Badger and Red Grouse.  She has spent many hours observing the behaviour of badgers at a particular set and obtained some excellent images including one of a badger trying to operate the camera she controlled from her ipad.

This was a very insightful talk into the work she had put in. Her care for the animals and their environment shone through.

D Beardmore