Photography – From The Dark Ages.
Sale photographer Alan Angel gave a talk on his Black & White photography to Alsager Camera Club.
Alan, a FRPS, first showed a panel of work that he produced for his RPS accreditation. This composed of a selection of B&W male portraits of bodybuilders and boxers. This selection of powerful images showed the high standards that are required to achieve RPS accreditation. These images were all captured on film and printed in the traditional darkroom in the era BP (Before Photoshop).
Along with each image came the story behind them and a description of the simple, yet effective, techniques used in both composition and equipment used. To achieve such consistently powerful images with one light and a plain black background shows that Alan was the consummate professional who had total control of the working environment and the nack of producing the perfect pose for each subject.
The second part of the evening consisted of showing a selection of B& W images of a selection of scenes from around the Manchester area interspersed with comments about his beloved Manchester City FC and his thoughts on competition judging!!!!! (Yes, we all know the judge is wrong when we don’t win except that when you have FRPS after your name, maybe, just maybe…..)
Alan closed the evening with a selection of portraits of Man City players, a project that combined his love of photography and Man City.