Scandal at Wigan PS
The L&CPU have made the national news due to a scandal at Wigan PS. The treasurer has resigned following claims that he has stolen someone else’s work and submitted it as his own. This image then won a trophy in a major national contest.
The trophy has been returned and Wigan Ps have made this statement:
“As a well respected photography club we are appalled by the behaviour of this individual and do not under any circumstances condone this practise. As a result of this coming to light and being thoroughly investigated by WPS committee members, the individual has by mutual agreement retired both their position on the committee and membership from this club. ”
This is the version that John Scott entered into the Wigan Photographic Society’s February contest, winning a trophy and entry into a major national contest Photo: Ross Parry / SWNS
The original ‘Madonna’ taken by Carri Angel Photo: Ross Parry / SWNS
To read the full story click here