For those who like me enjoy “fiddling” with photos on the computer I would like to draw your attention to the Nik filter collection. I have been aware of it for a while, but it has recently been purchased by Google and the price has been reduced by 70%. It is now $149 which converts (at time of writing) to just over £95.
There are six modules included covering colour filters, mono conversion, sharpening, noise reduction, colour enhancement and HDR. They are easy to use and give really good results. (I don’t get any commission)
I have spent my birthday money on it and am really enjoying it, there is a free 15 day trial if you are not sure.
Hi, despite not being much of a “computer fiddler” I bought this set a little while ago – partly because it also works on a mac under Aperture. Most of what it offers can be done using the standard photoshop/ aperture tools but it certainly saves time being able to apply “recipes” for effects developed by other users. Also the controls seem more directly related to the effect you want to achieve than PS/Aperture. The software seems quite solid but I still can’t get Colour Efex to load an image which has been previously cropped (for instance). There is a recommended workflow you need to follow I think.
I agree with Darrell that this is a good software set and I am glad I bought it.